AI Grader

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Types of Feedback:
  • The theme of your paragraph is unclear, provide insight into what your paragraph will talk about at the beginning of the paragraph.

  • Before diving into your main topic X, you should first define to the reader what Y means.

  • Your arguments use high levels of passive voice which can decrease their strength.

  • Your second main point needs further supporting arguments, currently its basis is weak.

  • The thesis for this paper isn't very clear, perhaps your thesis could be '...'

Example Paragraph:

AI grading is an innovative approach to teaching. Instead of a teacher giving tests, an AI machine gives the tests and provides instant feedback. Students can learn much faster than from a human teacher, as well as from each other. By incorporating AI into education, we can ensure that students are both ready for the future and understand what it means to live in a technology-driven society.

AI Grader Feedback:
  • Your introduction should start with an attention-getting question, quotation or pithy observation instead of a bland or purely factual statement. For instance, you could ask: 'What if a machine could grade student tests and provide feedback in a fraction of the time a human teacher can?'

  • To make your introduction more engaging, you could provide a vivid example of how Al grading works. For example, you could describe a student taking a test with an Al grader, and the Al grader providing instant feedback on the student's answers.

  • Shorten your thesis statement and make it more concise. Your thesis statement should be clear and concise, and it should clearly express the main point of your paper.

  • To be idiomatically correct, 'ready for the future' should be 'prepared for the future.'